How Acting Classes Help Your Child Grow

Emily Lefevre Talent Company Westerville ohio

How Acting Classes Help Your Child Grow Acting classes can help your child in many ways. Here are some of the benefits: Builds Confidence – Doing improv games and acting helps kids feel more sure of themselves. Improves Speaking – Kids learn how to use words, tone of voice, and body language to communicate emotions

Houde Summit 2023

So excited for all that I learned at the 2023 Houde Summit in Cleveland this past week.  I can't wait to share all about it with my students and clients. If you are interested in taking lessons or being part of our represented actors, please email us today .

May 20th Westerville Improv Class 2023

Don't miss the ELTC Improv Class on Saturday, May 20th in Westerville, Ohio. Join us to learn how to be a better listener, be more creative, build confidence, how to take risks as an actor, and become more open to other peoples ideas. This class is geared to help young actors let their  creativity flow